Visual Migrations – Moving Images Exhibition, Open Platform Opening 9. July 2011, 19.00 Exhibition 10.–15. July 12.00-18.00 __________________________________________________________________ Else Lasker Schüler‘s Egyptian male alter ego sketched on the back of an envelope, Bruce Nauman impersonating Duchamp‘s Fountain, Julian Assange coining Sweden as „the Saudi Arabia of Feminism“- and a rare collection of […]
1. July 2011 18.00-19.30 TALKS; 20.00-00.00 Opening Martin Fuchs, Peter Bichsel (writtenimages) Kim Asendorf über „Glitch-Art“ 2. July 2011 10.00-18.00 Open Gallery __________________________________________________________________ For their book project “Written Images” Martin Fuchs and Peter Bichsel collaborated with 42 Media Artists from around the world. Each artist programed an image creating application that interpretated and visualised data […]